Commercial cider making equipment
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Commercial cider making equipment


Making cider is a growing business and if you’re planning to start a commercial cider business, you’ll need the right equipment to get the job done. 

Commercial cider making equipment

When it comes to commercial cider making equipment, experience is crucial for producing high-quality products. As a seasoned producer of fine cider with over 20 years of experience, I have learned that the right equipment is essential. In this article, we will discuss the essential equipment needed for commercial cider making to achieve the desired level of automation and volume of apple processing.

Cider presses are the first and foremost essential equipment in cider making. The presses extract juice by crushing apples, and there are different types available, including hydraulic, screw, and hand-operated presses. The choice of press depends on various factors, such as the desired level of automation and the volume of apples to be processed.

Clarification and filtration of extracted juice to remove impurities and solids is the next crucial step. A filter press or a centrifuge is commonly used for this purpose. While a filter press uses plates to trap solids, a centrifuge separates the juice from the solids through spinning motion.

Fermentation tanks, made of stainless steel, plastic, or oak, are used to hold and control fermentation during the process. Stainless steel tanks are more popular due to their durability and ease of cleaning, while oak tanks add unique flavors and aroma to the finished product. Temperature-controlled fermentation tanks and airlocks are also necessary for controlling temperature and preventing oxygen from entering the tank during fermentation.

After fermentation, the cider is ready for aging and bottling. Aging can be done in tanks or barrels to achieve the desired flavor profile, and bottling can be done manually or using automated bottling equipment, depending on the production scale.

In summary, the table below outlines the essential equipment needed for commercial cider making:

Equipment Function
Cider press Extracting juice by crushing apples
Filter press/centrifuge Clarifying and filtering juice
Fermentation tank Holding and controlling fermentation
Temperature control Ensuring consistent fermentation temperature
Airlocks Preventing oxygen from entering fermentation tank
Aging tanks/barrels Allowing for desired flavor profile to develop during aging
Bottling equipment Filling and capping bottles efficiently and accurately

As a producer with extensive experience in the wine industry, I highly recommend investing in high-quality commercial cider making equipment to achieve consistently high-quality products. Proper equipment not only enhances the cider’s quality, but also boosts efficiency and productivity in the production process.

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